DiBEG held ISDB-T seminar on December 17, 1999 in Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA at the IPTAR training center in Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). About 50 participants were from government bodies, Television & Radio broadcasters (RTM, ASTRO, AMP, TV3, CityTV, RadioDediffusion, and NTV7) and communications operators (MAXIS, TMB)
Mr. IR. V. Jeyasingam, Engineering Director (TV) of RTM, took the chair and introduced three presenters:
Mr. ANDO Masao Director, Program Transmission Center of Tokyo
Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO)
Mr. UEHARA Michihiro Research Engineer,
NHK Science & Technology Research Lab.
Mr. IKEDA Tamotsu Assistant Manager
SONY Corp. Information & Network Technologies Lab.
Mr. ANDO presented ISDB-T technical standard such as transmission parameters for ISDB-Tw (Television) and IDSB-Tn (Sound and Data). He also mentioned the comparison of the digital broadcasting system among ISDB-T, ATSC and DVB-T. During his presentation DiDEG’s activities were introduced with VCRs.
Mr. UEHARA explained ISDB-Tn transmission performance and results of the field experiments that were carried out from June through August 1999 in Tokyo. The data in the actual field appealed mobile reception performance and the practicality of ISDB-Tn.
Mr. IKEDA introduced an ISDB-Tn receiver for sound and data broadcasting which was developed by SONY Corp.. He appealed the feasibility of small size receivers in the future mass production.
In Q & A session, frequency allocation of ISDB-Tn, mobile reception, data multiplexing, and ISDB-T receivers gathered special interest. The seminar greatly helped the audiences understand that ISDB-Tn has excellent performance in mobile reception and excellent capability in multimedia broadcast such as data broadcast.

Chairman:Mr. IR. V. Jeyasingam(RTM), Mr. IKEDA Tamotsu(SONY), Mr. UEHARA Michihiro(NHK), Mr. ANDO Masao (TAO)

Snapshot in Seminar