Up-date Seminar & Demo of ISDB-T were held in Hong Kong on June 15 and 16, 2000.
The number of participants, who were from Hong Kong Digital Television Technical Committer, SMPTE Hong Kong branch and broadcasters in Hong Kong, exceeded 50. A lot of ISDB-T equipment, transmitters and set top boxes for digital terrestrial broadcasting were exhibited in the Excesior, Hong Kong hotel. At the seminar, progress of digital broadcasting in Japan, the exerimental broadcasting in Tokyo, and data broadcsting ability with ISDB-T were introduced by presenters from DiBEG.
Since the last seminar held in June 1999, DiBEG has supported Hong Kong Digital Television Technical Committee to evaluate digital systems including ISDB-T, DVB, and ATSC. The decision in Hong Kong is expected by this December. Up-date Seminar has helped committee members deepen their understanding of ISDB-T system.
Mr. Sugimoto, Chairman of DiBEG, reported current status of digital broadcasting implementation in Japan and introduced DiBEG’s activities in the world wide.
The Tokyo Pilot Project with several major key stations is currying the experimental broadcasting in Tokyo area. Mr. Kaneko (Asahi National Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) introduced a brief of this experiment.
Mr. Kaijima (Toshiba Corp.) lectured technology for transmitting equipment to ISDB-T and explained how to design single frequency networks (SFN).
Data broadcasting and Electronic program guide (EPG) are peculiar features brought with digital broadcasting. Mr. Fujita (Matsushita Electric Industrial Corp., Ltd.) introduced the Broadcast Markup Language (BML) standardized in Japan for data broadcasting.
Mr. Izumi (Mitubishi Electric Corp.) explained how broadcasters should construct their studio equipment to embed Service Information (SI) and EPG in their data broadcasting programs.