ISDB-T seminar and Demonstration in Colombia

Hosted by DiBEG and Japanese Embassy. In seminar, overview / transmission system/service application/receiver & facility were presented. Also ISDB-T demonstration was held in the same place and exhibited wide variation of ISDB-T services. — HDTV, portable terminals, mobile reception, etc.

Date March 12th, 2008
Place Casa Dann Carlton Hotel in Bogota
Presenters Mr. Toda : (MIC)
Mr. Takada : (NHK)
Mr. Martinez : (NEC de Colombia SA)
Mr. Tago : (Toshiba de Mexico)
Purpose of seminar The seminar was held for the broadcasting persons concerning TDT in Colombia.
Demonstration of ISDB-T was also performed.
Contents Four presentations
  1. Digital TV Broadcasting in Japan (English) — “Mr. Toda”
  2. ISDB-T Tecnologús de transmision y sistemas de alertas de emergencia (Español) — “Mr. Takada”
  3. ISDB-T Aplicaciones (Español) — “Mr. Martinez”
  4. Servicio/ Recepción/ Facilidades para las televisoras (Español) — “Mr. Tago”

Snapshot in Seminar


High definition receivers of ISDB-T

One-seg reception

Reception of HDTV in a moving car

Reception of HDTV in a moving car

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