The Technical Harmonization Meeting was held in Sao Paulo on August 21 at the Expo Center Norte among the members of ISDB-T International Forum, in parallel with the SET EXPO 2017, to discuss ISDB-T implementation.
6 member country representatives participated in the meeting; from Japan (MIC, two JICA experts from Peru and Costa Rica, and ARIB/DiBEG member company representatives and secretariat), Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine, Ecuador, and El Salvador.
Each country representative explained the latest progress of ISDB-T implementation, ASO (Analog Switch-Off), etc.

Atmosphere of Meeting
Representing Japan, Mr. H. Ogawa of MIC presented the current situation of Japan, as well as the Asian and African ISDB-T adopting countries; Dr. M. Sugawara of DiBEG presented the latest status of implementation of the 19 ISDB-T adopting countries; and Mr. H. Horikawa, JICA Expert on ISDB-T, presented the latest progress in the 3 Central American ISDB-T adopting countries; Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica.

Japanese delegation
At the Hardware Technical Harmonization Document session, in respect to the list of receiver parameters describing the situation of each of the ISDB-T adopting countries, there was a proposal made to add newly adopting country names, together with the information offered by Japan and other countries; which was approved during the session.
At the Middleware Technical Harmonization Document session, the Brazilian representative explained the situation of Ginga and the details of ABNT NBR15606 related to Ginga.
At the EWBS Technical Harmonization Document session, a proposal was made to add El Salvador to the Country Code of the EWBS Harmonization Document, which was approved during the session.
In regards to the locution functionality, Brazil made a comment that they have completed a report on the study of functions that hearing impaired people can make commands with their hands and fingers, and that they are willing to offer such information and also to exchange views and opinions with any country interested in this functionality.

Attendees of the Technical Harmonization Meeting